Academic Teams Academic teams at TSMS are offered to any students who seek an academic challenge, personal development, and the benefits of teamwork through mutual support and great sense of accomplishment.
TSMS Academic Teams:
Most teams are established annually and meet after school, before school, weekends or holidays. Students participate in an academic team in addition to their regular courses. Participation in team activities, attendance to regular study sessions, showing positive attitude and support for team members are keystones for student accomplishment and determining factors for coaches to choose and maintain members. Students are responsible to monitor their calendars carefully to avoid scheduling conflicts. TSMS currently offers the following academic teams:
Math OlympiadThe Math Olympiad Enrichment Program is dedicated to bringing challenging mathematics materials to our students.
Science Olympiad Team competition in which students compete in 'events' pertaining to various scientific disciplines.
Robotics An interdisciplinary branch of engineering & science includes mechanical-electrical engineering and computer science.
Odyssey of the Mind

Check out each individual Academic Team/Enrichment Programs for details below.
The Math Olympiad Enrichment Program
The Math Olympiad Enrichment Program is dedicated to bringing challenging mathematics materials to our students. It provides opportunities for students to engage in creative problem-solving math activities. The goals of this program are:
To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
To introduce important Mathematical concepts
To teach major strategies for problem solving
To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
To strengthen Mathematical intuition
To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenge
Students practice non-routine math problems in small cooperative TEAMs. The Teams meet weekly during the school year. It is open to any interested students grades 4 through 8. The Program is sponsored by Mr. Gunerhan. The theme of the Program is to have fun, learn math, and be challenged.
Some of the Activities we do in Math Olympiad Program are:
Weekly Study Sessions
Saturday Study Hall
Online Math Competitions v AOPS-Art of Problem Solving v Sumdog- Fun multiplayer games for grades K-8, designed to improve math fact fluency.
Study Camps
We have competed well at the following competitions:
The James S. Rickards Fall Invitational Mathematics Competition: Pre-Algebra, and Algebra 1 divisions
American Mathematics Con test (AMC8)
The 2012 Chiles Mini Mu Competition
Math League
MathCounts in the Big Bend Region Chapter- the Nation's most competitive math contest
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is an international non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. These goals are accomplished through classroom activities, research, training workshops and the encouragement of intramural, district, regional, state and national tournaments. As TSMS Science Olympiad Team, we are getting prepared to get the best results at the competition we participate. The Science Olympiad team meets on Saturdays additional to weekday study sessions. Cabin camps are organized before the competition for intensive practice along with other fun activities such as playing sports, fishing, watching movies, trail walks etc. Students from 6-8 may apply to be a part of the team but the final decision belongs to coaches. The students who don’t show enough interest, with lack of effort or with attendance issues may be removed from the Science Olympiad team.
The team usually participate in four out of town competition trips:
- Invitational Science Olympiad (October – November)
- Invitational Science Olympiad (December – January)
- Regional Science Olympiad (January – February)
- State Science Olympiad (March)”