1- My family needs a device for my child to commit to the distance learning program, can technology be provided by the school? Yes, Chromebooks may be assigned to families who in need. There will be an agreement between the family and the school. We will update this site on how to become eligible.
2- Do students in the distance program need to purchase uniforms? No, if you are selecting the distance learning program you do not have to purchase uniforms. They are only required for students who are on-campus. If you student comes to campus for Semester 2, it is expected they will be in uniform.
3- Will school meals continue to be free? Yes, TSMS will continue to be a CEP school during 2020-21, which means all students are eligible for meals at no charge. SLA Management will continue to prepare our meals
4- Are mask required on the school bus? Yes, it will be mandatory for students to wear masks while riding the school bus. Additionally, bus drivers will also be required to wear masks and gloves while operating the school bus.
5- What does the Daily Health Screening entail and when will it take place? The screening consists of a temperature check and visual assessment (signs and symptoms) and will be done as early in the day as feasibly possible
6- What do I do if my child has a fever? New procedures are that a child must be fever free for 72 hours before returning to school.
7- What will happen if a child appears ill at school? The student will be sent to a clinical area for assessment. If the student has a fever or appears ill, they will be placed in a safe, distanced area to await parent pickup.
8- Will my child need a doctor’s note to return to school after having a fever? No. A doctor’s note is only required for return after a diagnosis of being Covid-19 positive.
9- Will I be notified if another student tests positive for COVID-19 in my child’s class or school? Not necessarily. Due to HIPPA regulations, the health department or school official will notify only those who were determined by an interview to self-quarantine.
10- Can I volunteer at my child’s school? Not during the first semester. However, there will be virtual opportunities to volunteer.
11- How often will my child’s classroom be cleaned? Daily cleaning will occur with deep cleaning as needed. Each classroom will be provided a Hygiene Kit of cleaning and sanitation supplies for daily use.
12- Will there be safety and well-being education? Yes. There will be education that empowers students to learn about the role they play to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. This education will be ongoing online and in the classroom.
13- Are field trips going to take place? No, not at this time for the first semester.
14- Will any significant Safety & Security procedures be altered in the Fall due to Covid 19? Safety drills will be altered to maintain social distancing and access to school campuses will be restricted with enhanced protocols.
15- If we choose the TSMS Distance Learning Program, can we decide to come back to physical campus during Semester 1? We are doing the staffing, classroom assignments and classroom arrangements based off the commitment survey. Contact TSMS Administration in writing for extenuating circumstances.
16- Will there be mask breaks? Yes, we are looking to schedule time for mask breaks for all throughout the day. Lunch, and outside breaks will be a mask free time as well.
17- Will the TSMS Distance Learning Program look different than it did last Spring 2020? Yes, the program has been revamped. Assessments will be given, there will be both live and recorded lessons, and students are required to complete task daily.
18- If my student is in the TSMS Distance Learning Program, will they interact with their other peers? Yes, teachers will facilitate time for small group instruction, which allow students to work together to complete a task.
19- If my child gets sick, or must stay home, who will provide instruction and assignments? The teacher assigned to your student will provide online work during any time missed that is consistent with their peers on campus.
20- How will attendance be taken in the TSMS Distance Learning Program? Students will be required to login to TSMS Connect, instructions will be given and reviewed during the virtual Orientation in August.
21- How often will staff be tested?
All staff will be administered the Daily Health Screening. If they do not pass screening, they will be sent home. "Schools and childcare programs are not expected to screen children, students, or staff to identify cases of COVID-19. If a community (or more specifically, a school) has cases of COVID-19, local health officials will help identify those individuals and follow up on the next steps." Please see CDC Guidelines here:
22- Is TSMS confident that they can social distance desks appropriately? Yes
23- What is the protocol for if a student tests positive? What about if they Simply have had another recent illness non-covid?
Please see CDC Guidelines here:
TSMS will Immediately notify local health officials. These officials will help administrators determine a course of action for the school. There may be a need to dismiss students and staff for 2-5 days. This initial short-term dismissal allows time for the local health officials to gain a better understanding of the COVID-19 situation impacting the school and for custodial staff to clean and disinfect the affected facilities. Work with the local health officials to determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow the further spread of COVID-19.
24- Process for drop-off and pick up? Especially for 1st day (Kindergarten)?
TSMS is working on a plan to help walk younger students to their assigned classroom, students will not report to the cafeteria during 1st Semester. Dismissal will be staggered by grade level.
25- What will the threshold/tipping point be for school closures throughout the year?
In correlation with LCS and the local health department, if a decision is made to close schools, we will notify all families.
"Any decision about school dismissal or cancellation of school events should be made in coordination with your local health officials. Schools are not expected to make decisions about dismissals on their own. " Please see CDC Guidelines here:
26- What if we get “stuck” in one option that’s not working for us and the school can’t accommodate our request to switch options. What could be done to avoid unenrolling and going to LCS virtual?
TSMS will work with families to accommodate all students, exhaust all options to prevent students from having to unenroll.
27- What will the virtual day actually look like? Will they need to be at the computer the entire 8:00-3:00?
Since it will correlate with those on campus, it is vital they have access to a computer during the school hours.
Please see the example schedule here:
28- What do you anticipate the average in-person class size will be?
This depends on the size of the classroom. This varies from 13-17 per class for social distancing.
29- Are the in-person teachers also doing the virtual lessons? Or will there be a teacher specifically assigned to virtual for each grade?
We will have specific assigned virtual teachers, however, we are training all staff to do virtual lessons. This will be guided by the results of the commitment survey for each grade level.
30- Will there be clubs or tutoring during 1st semester?
No, not at this time. We will revisit this in the Spring.
31- Will mask be required to be certain colors?
No, the student may wear any color mask. If they want to match the uniform, the colors are red, white, and blue.
32- How will our student receive their schedules if Orientation will be done virtually?
Each family will be emailed their student's class schedule, as well as other detailed information at the beginning of the school year.
33-Will breakfast still be served? Breakfast will still be served.
34-Can students still bring packed lunch and/or snacks from home? Students can bring a packed lunch or snack from home.
35-Will students be allowed to bring bottled water from home to avoid use of communal water fountains? Students are encouraged to bring bottled water from home.
36-It has been answered that there will be 13-17 students per class in order to the social distance to 6 feet. If this is accomplished, will masks still be required? Masks will be required in areas where social distancing is not possible. All classrooms in the new and old building will have an average class size of 13-17 students per class.
37-Are there any plans to create additional classrooms from existing non-classroom space, adding more space through additional portables, etc.? At this time, there are not any plans to create additional classrooms.
38-Will there be social distancing in the computer labs and media center (in school and EDP)? Students in the computer lab and media center will follow the same social distancing measures.
39-Will instructions be provided to parents on the digital platform for the online option? Yes, instructions will be provided to parents for our TSMS Distance Learning Program. Teachers will provide virtual help sessions to guide parents through the online programs.
40-What hours of the day will the student be required to be logged in and participating live with the teacher/other students? What hours will be flexible? Students will need access to a computer between 8:00 am - 3:00 pm each day to receive synchronous (live) and asynchronous (pre-recorded) instruction.
41-What supplies other than a computer will be needed for the online option? The supplies needed for the Distance Learning Program will depend on the student's grade level. Teachers will provide adjusted supply lists for online students.
42-Will the online option have special area classes? Music or art are not part of the sample schedule for the online option. At this time, PE is the only special area class offered.
43-Can students in the online option come to school for specific events? What about special area classes such as PE? Students participating in the Distance Learning Program are not able to come to school for special events during school hours, including special area classes like PE. PE will be offered online.
44-Can you give us more specifics on when masks will be worn? Masks will be worn when students are unable to social distance by 6 feet. Instances, when masks are worn, may include classrooms, transitions in the hallway, riding on the bus, and standing in line for lunch.